We are DiscountAStraps, part of "The Thrifty Gentleman" group, watch enthusiasts who believe that style and quality should not have to come at a high price.
We started our journey in 2021, when we noticed that most watch straps in the market were either too expensive, too low-quality, or, to be honest, too boring! We wanted to change that.
We decided to put together a collection of watch straps that are affordable, durable, and fashionable.
We were delighted to then make DiscountAStraps one of our brands, focusing on great quality affordable straps for Apple Watches, in 2024.
We source our materials from reputable suppliers, and the design and manufacture of our straps are always done with care and attention to detail.
We offer a variety of styles, colours and sizes to suit any taste and occasion. Whether you need an Apple Watch Strap for a formal event, for a casual outing, or for more of a sporty look, we have you covered.
Our mission is to help you express your personality and style with your Apple watch, without breaking the bank.
We believe that a watch strap is more than just a functional accessory, it is a statement of who you are and what you value.
That is why we are passionate about providing you with the best quality and value for your money.
We are proud to have served thousands of satisfied customers, and we are always looking for ways to improve our products and services.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions, and we are happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us here.
Thank you for choosing DiscountAStraps, your trusted partner for affordable Apple compatible watch straps. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy making them for you.
What are you waiting for? Find your perfect match today!